Diabetic Screening

Your eyesight deserves the highest standards of professional eyecare…

Diabetic Screening Clinic

We are part of the NHS National Screening Programme for Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) (www.nscretinopathy.org)

Anyone over 11 years old with diabetes will be offered photographic retinopathy screening. This ensures:

  • Your eyes are examined regularly on a yearly basis
  • Earlier detection of any specific changes that could effect your sight
  • Any follow up treatment required can be swiftly and effectively arranged, usually with a hospital eye clinic

Untreated DR is one of the most common causes of blindness in the working age population. Laser treatment is very effective at reducing loss of sight from DR if caught in it’s early stages before it affects the eye. Once any damage has been done, if unknown and untreated, any laser treatment at this stage is much less effective.

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