Childrens Eyecare

Your eyesight deserves the highest standards of professional eyecare…

Eye examinations for children play an important role in ensuring normal vision development and academic achievement. Vision is closely linked to the learning process. Children with undetected vision problems may have trouble with their schoolwork. Quite often, children will not complain of vision problems simply because they don’t know what “normal” vision is.

Eye problems are common in children but may not be noticed by parents. Therefore, it is very important that all children have their eyes tested, even if parents are not worried.

Some common indications include: rubbing their eyes; sitting too close to the television; blinking repeatedly or holding objects very close to their face. If you think your child is experiencing any sort of sight problems, bring him or her for a check-up as soon as you can. Even if your child’s vision has been checked and is shown to be normal, they should continue to have regular eye checks about every 2 years because problems can occur at any age.

If you are concerned about your child’s vision, arrange an appointment now. Many concerns can be resolved completely by our optometrist without the need to refer your child to a specialist (such as an orthoptist or ophthalmologist).

The sooner any problems are picked up, the better the outcome. So, If you have any concerns about your child’s eyes, or if there is a history of squint or lazy eye in the family, it is important that you do not wait for NHS vision screening at school – call us now for a sight test. Please be aware that it is not necessary for your child to be able to read to have their eyes tested. It is possible to see whether the child has a squint or needs glasses just by looking at their eyes with special equipment, and without asking them any questions.

Eye examinations do not hurt!


NHS Eye Examination Hall Green Birmingham

The NHS provide free eye examinations and contribute towards the cost of glasses for:


  • Under 16’s
  • Under 19’s in full time education
  • Anyone registered partially sighted or blind

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